Noah, Eric, and Marty arrived at the school at 6:00 pm. Noah pulled around to the back of the school so a cart could be used to bring in his equipment. He met Marty and Eric up in the Auditorium to start equipment set up.
Noah and Eric began setting up equipment while Marty, one of PIM’s sensitives, and a class member went around and did sensitive impressions and baseline EMF readings.
Several class members had joined the investigators for the night.
One of the class members had brought some trigger objects to use. A trigger object is an item that is believed to be familiar to any “spirits” that may be present. It is hoped that by having something that the “spirit” is familiar with there may be a higher probability of capturing paranormal activity. The two objects were an old Popular Mechanics magazine from the 1950’s that was placed in the 2nd Floor Hallway outside the old Shop room and an antique toy that was placed in Rm 112 near where a child apparition was seen.
Class members assisted Noah and Eric placing their equipment while another class member and a staff member turned off the lights in the areas that we would be investigating.
Once all the baseline readings had been taken, Marty related what impressions he had gotten while touring the building. Everyone then broke into 3 groups, with Group 1 led by Noah, Group 2 led by Marty, and Group 3 led by Eric. There were 6 class members in each group in addition to the group leaders. The groups then went to their assigned locations and began investigating.
Claims of Activity
- Mass of smoke moved from Rm 120 into Rm 112
- Reports of the sound of children laughing when no one there
- Apparition of girl aged 8-9 years old dressed in 1950’s red dress and black leather shoes seen outside office
- Apparition of an old woman seen in the 2nd and 3rd Floor Hallways
- Light switch clicked on and off by itself in Receiving Room
- Baby was heard crying in the Auditorium
- Custodian had cart moved and rags thrown while in 2nd Floor Hallway
- The sound of doors being slammed on the 3rd Floor when on the 2nd Floor
Auditorium – 8:05 pm
Group 1 – Everyone spread throughout the Auditorium. The group began by giving a couple of minutes of control silence to observe the normal sounds for the area.
During this time, it was noticed that there was a slight hum coming from the stage area and there was a consistent rapping noise in the Right Balcony area of the seats. Neither was believed to be paranormal in nature.
After the control silence, the group began an Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) session seeing if they could communicate with anything that was present.
During the session, one of the class members noted that there was a tapping sound on the back of one of the chairs that was close to him. This did not occur at any other time during the session, and happened immediately after a request for a sign was made. Unfortunately, this was not captured on any audio and remains as a personal experience only.
No other events occurred during the EVP session and it was decided to move into the 2nd Floor Hallway for the remainder of the time.
END TIME: 8:25 pm
2nd Floor Hallway – 8:28 pm
Group 1 – Everyone spread throughout the 2nd Floor Hallway. The group observed a few minutes of silence to get accustomed to the natural sounds.
A class member who had the Mel-8704-REM noticed a large temperature spike at 8:30 pm. He was positioned at the top of the stairs and after some questioning it was determined that he was using the meter properly (IE, not breathing on it or holding it close to his body). The temperature went up to 110F and then returned back to a baseline of 74F. No EMF spikes occurred during this event and no other evidence was captured at this time either.
Shortly thereafter an EVP session was started attempting to contact the woman that is believed to roam the halls along with anyone else that may be present.
No events occurred during this session and it was ended and the group waited for the other groups to return.
END TIME: 8:45 pm
Rm 112/120 – 8:08 pm
Group 2 – The group spread out in Rm 112 and sat for 5 minutes of control silence. After the control silence, an EVP session was started.
It was noted that in the far right corner of the room a noise was heard that was a popping sound. No reason for this noise was found and it was not captured on any recording devices.
Later in the session, one of the class members felt a pain in their head, felt hot, and had a feeling of despair. No cause for this was determined, and there was no evidence to back up this experience.
Marty began feeling sick, and believes that a 10 year old girl communicated with him. He felt that she may have been autistic because he saw her rocking back and forth and wanted to go home. Unfortunately there was no evidence to back this experience up.
No other events occurred at this time and the group moved to their next location.
END TIME: 8:45 pm
Rm 130 – 8:04 pm
Group 3 – The group spread out in Rm 130 and began by taking a couple minutes of control silence. After the control silence the group started an EVP session.
No events occurred during this session and the group decided to move to their next location.
END TIME: 8:45 pm
At this time Group 1 and Group 3 met back in the Auditorium to regroup and Group 2 went immediately to Rm 130 for their next session. Noah had forgotten to hand out event sheets to Group 2 and 3 so he gave those sheets out and then took his group to Rm 112/120.
Rm 112/120 – 8:55 pm
Group 1 – Everyone spread out in both rooms and started 5 minutes of control silence. It was noted during the silence that the fish tank was making noise and that something was moving in another tank next to the fish tank that had a cover on it. No other noises besides the hum of the computers were noted.
An EVP session was started attempting to communicate with the angry man or little girl that was believed to reside there, along with any other spirits that may have been present.
At 9:12 pm, a computer screen in Rm 112 came on for 6-7 seconds and then went off again. It was noted that no one was near the computer when this happened, and Noah attempted to see if a vibration could have caused this to occur with no luck. It is unknown why this occurred, but there was no other evidence captured to support this event and it may simply be part of the normal operation of the computers.
At another point during the EVP session, Noah and a class member thought they had heard what sounded like a woman’s voice. However, shortly thereafter the noise of a car door being slammed was heard outside and it was assumed the noise that was heard previously came from outside as well.
No other events occurred during this session and the group headed to their final location.
END TIME: 9:32 pm
Rm 130 – 8:50 pm
Group 2 – The group spread out in Rm 130 and took 5 minutes of control silence. During the control silence it was noted that the pipes in the room adjacent to the alcove were making a lot of noise.
Once the control silence was complete, an EVP session was started. During the session at 9:11 and 9:16 pm a squeak was heard in the room. At 9:15 pm a dragging noise was heard in the Alcove area. However, due to the noise coming from the pipes, these noises were disregarded.
No other events occurred during this time and the group moved to their final location of the night.
END TIME: 9:30 pm
Auditorium – 8:50 pm
Group 3 – The group spread out in the Auditorium and allowed for several minutes of control silence. After the control silence an EVP session was attempted.
During the session at 9:05 pm a seat creaked in Section A of the Auditorium. This was thought to be caused by normal temperature changes in the Auditorium and not thought to be paranormal in nature.
No other events occurred and it was decided to spend the rest of the session in the 2nd Floor Hallway.
Everyone spread out throughout the hallway and conducted an EVP session. Nothing occurred and the group moved to their final location for the night.
END TIME: 9:30 pm
Rm 130 – 9:47 pm
Group 1 – Everyone spread out in Rm 130. Noah noticed that his camera battery had died so he left to retrieve a fresh one from the Auditorium while the rest of the group sat and allowed for control silence. Once Noah had returned, he restarted his camera and allowed a few more minutes of silence.
After the control silence an EVP session was started. The group attempted to communicate with the little boy or man that may have been in the room. No responses were noted or received on recording equipment during this time.
Next Noah tried to see if normal conversation may result in activity. There is a theory that if you ignore what is there then it could cause activity to occur. Unfortunately, none was noticed and the group ended the investigation and began packing up equipment and returning to the Auditorium.
Noah stopped by Rm 112/120 to inform Group 3 to end the investigation and pack up as well.
END TIME: 10:30 pm
Auditorium – 9:51 pm
Group 2 – The group spread out in the Auditorium and took 5 minutes of control silence. Noah came in 3 minutes into the control silence to get a replacement camera battery. After the control silence was completed, an EVP session was started.
During the EVP session movement was heard in the balcony at three different times. First at 9:58 pm it was heard in the Left Balcony. Then at 10:01 pm it was heard in the Right Balcony, and finally at 10:07 pm it was heard in the Middle Balcony.
Shortly thereafter at 10:10 pm a noise was heard in the equipment cases like something had moved. Although this was captured on audio, it was determined that since Noah had been in the cases shortly before, that maybe he had disrupted something that had moved after he left. The movement was not captured on video and is not considered to be paranormal in nature.
No other events occurred, and the group decided to spend the remainder of the time in the 2nd Floor Hallway.
Everyone spread out in the hallway and conducted an EVP session. Nothing occurred during this session and Marty was radioed to end the investigation shortly thereafter. The group began breaking down equipment and returning it to the Auditorium.
END TIME: 10:30 pm
Rm 112/120 – 9:50 pm
Group 3 – The group spread out between the two rooms and allowed for some control silence. After the control silence, the door between the two rooms was closed to allow two separate EVP sessions to occur simultaneously.
During this session, a class member in Rm 120 thought that her hair had been touched while she was sitting near the fish tank. This occurred at approximately 10:00 pm. This was not captured on video and there was no other evidence to back up this experience.
Half way through the session the groups switched rooms and then continued conducting an EVP session. No events occurred during this time and Noah came to tell them that the investigation was ended and to back up the equipment and return to the Auditorium.
END TIME: 10:30 pm
Once all the equipment had been packed up, the investigation was discussed briefly with the class members to determine their thoughts on it. After that everyone left the building by 11:00 pm.
No evidence was captured during the investigation.
PIM was very thankful for the opportunity to investigate this location. There had been varied claims over the years, and it is always good to try and investigate those claims and try to debunk as many of those claims as possible. During this investigation no evidence was captured in regards to the claims of paranormal activity. However, further investigations would need to be conducted to form a firm conclusion about the activity at this location.
PIM would like to thank those who made this investigation possible and hopes that they will be invited back to do a follow-up investigation at a later date.