
After all group members woke up, Candace left around 10:30 am to head back to Milwaukee. Chris would join the group later in the day.

Noah, Paul and Karen headed to the Attic to see if they could see or sense anything. No activities occurred at this point in the investigation. They then headed to the back of the property toward the large tree in the back Michael wanted to go to during the group’s last investigation. They conducted an EVP session by the tree. No unusual activities occurred.

The group then left to go to town to get lunch – all equipment was left running.

Upon returning from lunch, Noah and Karen headed to another location in the area to see someone’s home, while Paul decided to stay back and investigate on his own. After doing a quick walk-through of the home and returning to Willow Creek, Noah and Karen came back to find Paul left a note stating he left due to an emergency situation.

Chris arrived at the location around 3:45 pm. He was given a tour after unloading his equipment. At around 4:45 pm, Noah and Karen headed upstairs to check on a video camera in the Master Bedroom. As they got to the top of the stairs and turned to head toward the Nursery, the downstairs door leading upstairs slammed so hard the house shook. They saw Al and Chris outside talking, and concluded it wasn’t them who caused the door to slam. There were open windows on the first floor, and wind could have slammed it, but there were no other incidents of this occurring during the two days of investigating despite how windy it was.

Please see audio evidence for door slam, as well as other experimental sounds of several doors being manually slammed for experimental purposes.

Coming back together, the group members and Al headed to town to pick up food for dinner. All equipment was left running while everyone was gone. After dinner, the group started investigating the Barn around 8:15 pm.

After investigating the hayloft, they moved to the first level near the horse stalls. Karen tried to contact a male spirit she felt during the last investigation in that area. No activities occurred in either location.

Next the group tried the Shed. Noah would leave at one point to check on the equipment inside the house. After he left, the KII meter acted up more than it had earlier in the night. It appeared to respond to questions Karen was asking, including if the spirit wanted her to show off her legs. Although the KII meter was lighting up to questions, the validity of it is unknown. During the investigation, it was found that the meter was picking up some kind of radio frequency that seemed to have a pattern.  The KII meter appears to not only pick up EMF readings but also radio and microwave readings as well. This was confirmed by simply hitting the transmit button on a standard 2-way radio and this alone would set off the KII meter. It was determined definitively the readings the KII meter picked up in the Dining Room was a radio field by changing the setting on the Tri-field meter to radio. The Tri-field then registered the same readings that the KII meter was detecting. This illustrates the very important difference between the Tri-field meter and any other single-axis EMF detector.  Although a single-axis detector can pick up EMF signals, they have no way of distinguishing between EMF and other fields such as radio or microwave. Thus, readings obtained from a single axis meter can’t be confirmed as EMF fields unless a Tri-field meter is there to confirm it is an EMF field. In this group’s opinion, without a way to distinguish between EMF fields and other man-made fields, the readings given by a KII or any other single axis detector are unreliable and should not be used for detection of paranormal activity.

After Noah came back from the house, he said the house felt eerie – like he was being watched. Al and Karen both felt something was going on in the house and both thought it’d be best to go somewhere else before heading back inside. The group decided to head to the tree in the back of the field. No activities occurred during this point.

Returning to the house, the group decided to try an experiment using a mirror and a candle in such a way that something called the Apparition Room could be created. The basic construction and set up of the Apparition Room was to simply put a mirror on a table and place a person in such a way that they could not see their own reflection in the mirror but could see behind them.  The candle was then lit and set behind the person sitting in front of the mirror and this was the only light source in the room. An EVP session would then be conducted to try and get the spirits to communicate and/or “show” themselves. Noah decided to try the experiment in Lily’s Room, with the mirror facing the closet. Al was seated in one of the rocking chairs in the Nursery, while Chris and Karen stood near the doorway into the hallway from the Nursery.

There were knocks in response to questions the group would ask that came from the Master Bedroom, and it seemed as if the KII meter reacted in response to questions as well.

While Noah continued to see how the experiment would work by speaking to Lily, a huge cold spot started to form in between Chris and Karen. It appeared to get colder as time went on, and seemed to have a shape. Karen noted it was about 5’6” tall and was about 2’ wide. It seemed to move as well. Al also noticed the difference in temperature by putting his hand in the area Karen and Chris noted. The spot then disappeared after there was a rush to get a video camera.

Everyone then went down to the main floor and sat around the kitchen table. No activities occurred.

Al decided to then try the Apparition Room experiment again in Lily’s room. He conducted an EVP session as well. Karen felt as if someone was touching her face and other parts of her body during this session.  Everyone then went back down to the table on the main floor. Al went to bed at this point of the investigation.

The group moved to the Master Bedroom and then moved to the Attic after Karen felt the Reverend wanted Noah to go up there. They continued to do an EVP session at this point. They then moved Karen into the NWBR to talk to Robbie. After no activities were occurring, the group decided to try an EVP session in the Upstairs Bathroom.

Although no activities seemed to occur, Karen said she almost felt as if someone was just outside of the doorway and then thought she saw out of the corner of her eye a short shadow move to her left side. As she said what she was feeling one of the screws that were on the storage container (which she was sitting on) rolled toward her. She stated she did not physically move when it occurred.

Noah then decided to sit in the NWBR by himself while they conducted an EVP session. No activities occurred at this time. When he was leaving the room, he thought part of his clothing was caught on a door hinge. Upon looking, there wasn’t anything that would have grabbed onto his clothes at that point.

The group moved then into Lily’s Room and also the Master Bedroom. No activities occurred.

The group concluded the second night of investigating around 2:30 am. Noah and Karen resumed sleeping in the NWBR while Chris slept in the Nursery. During the night, Noah thought he heard footsteps in the hallway, and also thought he heard footsteps coming from the hallway in the morning around 8:00 am, but that time thought it was Chris. Chris would later confirm he was not upstairs at the time of the footstep noises.

In the morning all group members gathered their equipment and left around 11 a.m. No other activities occurred before the group left.


Shed – 2:20 am

Possible voice captured

Living Room – 2:29 am

We believe this to be the voice of a child

Lily’s Room – 12:50 am

Strange voice captured, saying “Is it us?”

2nd Floor Restroom – 1:52 am

Whispering captured

Main Floor – 10:32 pm

Child’s voice captured near table


It was a fruitful investigation in that PIM was able to add to its knowledge a little bit more about the spirits of Willow Creek Farm.  Each time a new investigator or technique was brought in we were able to see how the spirits reacted and thus worked out techniques that would work best to capture evidence at this location.  

PIM has also helped explain how a KII meter works on a technical level, which was something that was a mystery before this investigation was conducted.  Finding that the KII meter is not just an EMF detector but can also detect other man-made fields is an important discovery and will hopefully allow other groups to use the KII meter properly in the future.

Also, using proper protection techniques, Karen learned how to prevent a repeat of the attack she experienced during her first visit to Willow Creek.  

Although not a large amount of evidence of the spirits at Willow Creek Farm was captured during its second investigation, PIM is still convinced the location is in fact haunted. The group looks forward to its next investigation at Willow Creek Farm as each new investigation is another opportunity to experience the spirits that reside there.



Karen’s Impressions:

Back inside the house during the second night of investigation, I picked up on a boy who seemed to come into the master bedroom who I never picked up on before. He seemed to be a teenage boy – chunky, brown hair and was wearing a white shirt. I almost felt like he was a traveler and wasn’t staying for long. I had the impression there was blood on his shirt – possibly from an accident he had.

During this time, I also felt the Reverend was trying to challenge Noah. That he actually wanted Noah to go up to the attic to look for him, but once actually in the attic, the Reverend actually seemed to be laughing at Noah for actually going up there.

While in the upstairs bathroom, I picked up on another traveler, who I picked up on after Chris asked “What’s up?” The personality of this guy made me laugh – he was white trying to act gangster. I picked up that he was from Atlanta, GA, and that he was just passing through because he wanted to see what the place had to offer.

Also in that room, I felt someone was coming into the room at one point from the hallway. It was at that point I had that psychic headache coming through. Weirdly, at the same time all of that happened, a screw that was sitting next to me on the storage container started rolling toward me. I don’t recall at all moving during that EVP session for it to roll.

I want to mention to Al that because of the incident that happened back in March, I have learned how to block spirits from wanting to enter into my mind. Several times during the investigation I had the psychic headache come through, but I blocked it from taking over me. Whenever I would use those techniques, the headache did go away.

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