
Al left to go to a basketball game before 9:00 am while all group members were still sleeping. Karen would be the first to wake up around 8:45 am, while Noah and Amy would wake up shortly after 10:00 am. Before Noah and Amy woke up, Karen went around and checked the batteries on the voice recorders and video cameras that were left running overnight.

When everyone was up, they began getting ready for day two of investigating. Around 10:48 am, Amy went around looking at baseline pictures and the current room conditions to see if anything had moved overnight. There were no changes noted.

The group headed out at 11:15 am to grab lunch and left all equipment running while they were gone. Karen placed her voice recorder in the NWBR. They would return to Willow Creek at 12:57 pm.

In order to take advantage of the warmest temperatures of the day, the group headed to the outside buildings to continue their investigation. At 1:19 pm they went to the barn to do baseline readings. No EVP work was done, but it was noted there were no EMF or temperature changes. They left at 1:37 pm.

Heading to the shed, the group entered the building at 1:45 pm. The group conducted an EVP session while sitting on separate tractors. Karen sensed there was a man who was attached to one of the tractors and wanted to experiment to see if it would cause any spirits to react. The tractor in question seemed to be new and no one could recall seeing it on any previous investigations. Upon asking Al if he had gotten any new tractors since PIM’s last visit, he stated he had and identified the tractor as the one thought to be new since the last visit.  No EMF or temperature changes were noted, and no activities occurred. They wrapped up at 2:02 pm.

Heading inside to warm up for a little, Noah wanted to go into the Attic in order to avoid the colder temperatures later in the day. At 2:41 pm, all members of PIM were in the Attic and conducted an EVP session. No activities occurred, and no changes in EMF or temperature were reported. Karen did mention during the EVP session, she felt she had some answers in relation to “Robbie’s” birth year (1874) and year of death (1892). She also felt the “Reverend” was also in the area and seemed to try to sneak up on her. She felt he went away after she told “him” she wasn’t scared. They concluded this portion of the investigation at 3:07 pm.

From 3:40 to 6:00 pm, all group members did evidence review on equipment from the night before – Al was in the Kitchen making dinner. Dinner time was from 6 to 6:30 pm and from 6:30 to 7:00 pm all equipment was checked once again.

To see if Karen and Amy would experience the same events they did the night before, they headed upstairs at 7:12 pm.  They started in the Master Bedroom and sat in the same spots they did before. At 7:26 pm. it was noted by Karen she looked out the east window and saw a red light on the roof that looked like a laser pointer moving. Amy at the same time stated she actually saw a white light, but thought it was a car. Karen stated she didn’t see a car passing by during this time. This event cannot be confirmed as to if what they saw was there or just a trick of the eye.

Karen mentioned they hadn’t tried doing an EVP session in the NEBR yet, so they moved there at 7:27 pm. They tried to contact the spirit of “Lily” by playing with a bouncy ball Amy purchased earlier in the day. They also tried to use a flashlight to see if “Lily” could make the light turn on. No activities occurred, and there were no EMF or temperature spikes.

Moving to the NWBR at 7:44 pm, Amy went by the inset of the wall in the SE corner of the room, while Karen was near the wall by the door. Amy stated she felt uneasy going to the SW corner of the room and felt she was invading someone’s personal bubble. They would wrap up this part of the investigation at 7:57 pm and head back downstairs by Noah and Al. No EMF or temperature changes were noted.

At 8:29 pm Al wanted to try an experiment of asking individual spirits questions about who they were. The group started in the Kitchen to talk to “Big Mike”. At one point, there was a slight EMF fluctuation in the NW Corner of the room – it was not documented what the fluctuation was.

Moving into the Parlor/Living Room, Al tried to contact “William Boardman” to see if he would acknowledge if that’s who was there. In the NW corner of the Parlor around 8:32 pm, there were EMF spikes from 0 to 4.0 that occurred three times. No audio evidence was caught during this session.  

Karen felt there was a small girl hiding in the SE corner of the Living Room named “Molly”. The group tried to make contact but there were no EMF fluctuations.

Moving to the New Basement, Al tried to contact “Joe”, but once again no activities or fluctuations occurred.

The group then moved upstairs and went to the NWBR and then NEBR. There were no fluctuations in either location. In the Master Bedroom, it was noted there was a small EMF fluctuation from 0 to 0.4 in the NE corner of the room at 8:57 pm. No other activities occurred.

After the group returned downstairs, Al retired to the couch to take a nap, and the group headed to the Parlor/Living Room to do some EVP work at 9:36 pm.  It was noted there was a small amount of EMF (0.2) by the door that goes outside that was constant – it stopped before the window to the right of the door.

No EMF was detected once again in the closet, and no occurrences happened. The group left the area at 9:49 pm.

Heading back upstairs at 9:58 pm, all PIM members headed to different areas of the floor – Karen was in the chair of the Master Bedroom, Noah in the Nursery and Amy in the Hallway. After 24 minutes, the group moved to the other side of the house with Karen in the NWBR, and Amy and Noah in the Hallway. After trying to talk to “Robbie”, no activities occurred. Amy then went into the upstairs Bathroom at 10:34 pm and conducted an EVP session. Again, no activities occurred, and there were no EMF or temperature changes. At 10:50 pm the group headed back downstairs.

Al woke up and the group talked about the séance they wanted to try. A table and candles were set up in the Living Room, while Al looked up how to open and close a circle for a séance using a Christian opening. Since it was close to midnight it was decided to wait until midnight to start the séance and during the time in between Al played some organ music from his computer.  The music playing lasted approximately 10 minutes and was not continuous. This is mentioned as it has been shown that playing music from a time period a spirit is familiar with can increase activity.

Sitting in a square, all group members and Al held hands and began the séance at 12:05 am, which was then led by Karen. Positions everyone sat in is as followed: Al (NORTH), Noah (SOUTH), Amy (EAST), and Karen (WEST).

After opening the session with a prayer (Please see wording at the end of report), all spirits of the house were welcomed to join the table. Near the beginning of the séance at 12:21 am, a loud noise that sounded like a small electric motor was heard from what appeared to be the Dining Room. Because the group was in a circle, no one was able to go and see what it was. Two minutes and 10 seconds later, the same noise occurred.

It was noted the noise was never heard at Willow Creek on any prior investigation, and no member of PIM had any equipment that would have made the noise. Al also stated he didn’t own anything that would make that type of noise either.

During the séance, Amy started to get nervous and at one point stated she felt someone was touching her left calf, along with Karen feeling her entire body go cold. Karen also at one point started laughing for no reason, and explained she almost felt like it wasn’t her laughing, but possibly “Sarah” laughing about the séance. Both Karen and Al would feel as if there were individuals in the Dining area walking around, and Amy would state she saw a bright flash of light come from the Dining area as well.

After the séance was closed at 12:52 am, everyone looked to see what the noise could have been. The noise was compared to what sounded like an old 35mm camera rewinding film. (See evidence for sound clip of this noise.)

At 1:42 am, Noah, Karen and Amy headed to the Old Basement to continue investigating into the noise that was heard during the séance. The sound of the furnace had a similar sound, but it wasn’t loud enough by any means to be the noise heard on the first level.

At 1:47 am the group headed back upstairs to the Master Bedroom to replace a battery in the camera that was still up there. At 1:49 am, the K2 meter went from green to yellow, which it had not done the entire time the group investigated. It was thought to be from a cell phone, and Karen noted she received a new text message a few minutes prior. The frequency from the phone could have affected the meter at the time.

While standing and talking for a while, Karen (who was standing by “Sarah’s” chair) got an uncomfortable feeling from under the bed and moved to the other side of the room by Amy – Noah then sat in the chair. Soon after, Noah said he saw a bright light in the Nursery that looked solid and then seemed to explode like a firework. He then stated he saw another light above Karen’s head that did the same thing a short time later – later Amy would state she saw the same thing by her feet.

At 1:59 am, Karen had a sensation that someone was in the doorway to the room. Right after she stated that at 2:00 am, an extremely loud pop came from the doorway and then the K2 meter went from green to red several times. Both Karen and Noah checked their cell phones and turned them off, but the meter continued to light up – no other electronic devices were in the vicinity except for the camera and voice recorders. Karen then stated she felt another spirit in the doorway at 2:04 a.m., and once again there was a pop from the doorway – this one was quieter. No other K2 activity occurred, and unfortunately the group didn’t have a temperature gauge or additional EMF detector to see if there were any changes using those tools.

Karen then had a sensation there were individuals in the NEBR closet, and the group went into the room around 2:16 am. No EMF detection was found at that time. At 2:40 am, a yelp was heard, but no one was sure if it was from outside or inside.

The group then headed downstairs at around 2:45 am to talk with Al about what happened. At 3:11 am, all group members and Al returned to the upstairs level to see if Al could sense anything weird about the atmosphere. He stated the side of the house with the NWBR and Bathroom seemed to have a different feel to it.

At 3:21 am, Al went back downstairs to go back to bed, while the group conducted an EVP session in the NWBR and Bathroom areas. No EMF or temperature changes occurred, and no activities happened.

From 3:36 am to 4:05 am the group was in the Master Bedroom conducting an EVP session to see if they could talk to the individuals who were in the room prior. Karen felt the spirit of “Lily” come into the room, but then left shortly after.  Again, no other activities occurred at this time.

Heading downstairs to warm up for a little, the group grabbed a few batteries and then headed back to the Master Bedroom at 4:15 am until the camera battery died and they could replace it. At 4:30 am, they concluded the second night of investigating and started packing up some of their equipment.

Once again, the group members slept in the Living Room and tried to fall asleep around 6:00 am.

Everyone woke up around 9:15 am, finished packing and loaded the vehicle. Noah and Al then discussed plans for a following investigation that would be a psychic/sensitive experiment. They concluded their discussion around 10:20 am and all group members of PIM left. No activities occurred during the morning hours.


Dining Room – 8:23 pm

Small voice captured on audio recorder


This was another excellent investigation at Willow Creek Farm.  The investigation started out without much incident but the activity really heated up after our séance.  We will be replicating the specific events that occurred during the séance, which were different from past investigations, in an attempt to recreate the activity experienced.  The activity at Willow Creek Farm is not going to happen every time we investigate, but it seems under the right conditions we are able to coax some of the spirits to come out and play.  PIM reiterates we believe Willow Creek Farm to be an active haunting, and we look forward to our next investigation at Willow Creek Farm.



LOCATION Individual Details/Thoughts
Outside Female – possibly in her 30’s/40’s Upset I was there. Followed me from house to barn. Possibly Sarah.
Shed Older Male Felt he wasn’t a regular of the property – located in SE corner. I think he was attached to the newer tractor that isn’t normally there. I pictured him in a flannel shirt, overalls, gray hair – upper 50’s or early 60’s – thin framed. Seemed to be working in a repetitious demeanor. He was not aware.
New Basement Young Male White male wearing 70’s-style clothing. Upon entering the basement, I had sadness and the emotion of wanting to cry come over. He wanted to be left alone. When leaving felt him say, “Don’t come back.” Did not pick up on “Joe.”
Parlor/Living Room Young Girl At one point during the investigation I picked up on this young girl in the parlor who knew her mom was sad, but didn’t know why. Possibly around 7-years old, curly blonde hair, 1800’s dress. Would later pick up on her in the SE Corner of the Living Room hiding during the séance. She seemed scared. Name was “Molly”.
Parlor Woman in her 30’s I picked up on an event of a woman crying in the room, “My baby, my baby!” from the NW corner of the room. She was in 1800’s dress, brown hair in a bun.
Parlor Older woman in her  40’s/50’s She was very stern. Did not like we were in the room. I kept finding her in the closet that is now in the room. Darker dress, graying hair. I felt she was one of the main women who resided at the home.
Northwest Bedroom Reverend Upon first entering the room when we arrived there was this massive amount of energy. Felt very unwanted. I believe the “Reverend” was the one who was in there.
Northeast Bedroom n/a Although initially I didn’t pick up on anyone, I tried talking to “Lily”. Got a response from her saying, “Mommy won’t let me come out and play.” On the second night of investigating, I would pick up on a few strangers hiding in the closet –a woman, a boy, man and an older woman. I picked up on a darker colored dress for the woman with white lace trim around the collar. They were all from the 1800’s and I almost felt like they were a family. I picked up they stopped in because of the séance.
Master Bedroom Unknown individuals On second night of investigating, I felt like someone was under the bed trying to reach for my leg. Then I felt as if someone was coming through the doorway, but I only saw in my mind half of their body (up to their waist).  Another individual would come in shortly after – they were tall and lanky, but again I have no other details. I had the feeling they were visiting and then they knew they had to leave. These feelings occurred when Noah and Amy both saw flashes of light.
Attic “Robbie” and “Reverend” Tried talking to “Robbie” but he seemed to not want to talk this time. When questioned about when he was born and when he died, I got the years 1874 and 1892. Also felt the “Reverend” up there and was trying to intimidate me. He went away after I mentioned it wasn’t working.
Northwest Bathroom Weird energy and Male in his mid-upper 20s. Felt negative energy coming from the room during the entire investigation. Unable to pick up on anything specific. Also on second night, I was picking up on a tall, brown haired, blue eyed male who seemed to be around 27-29 years of age. He seemed to be well dressed, very gentle. I didn’t get anything from him.

Owner Questioning Spirits With Answers Karen Picked Up During Session

What Owner stated is first, and the responses Karen had are after.


Big Mike, I think I know who you are, I think you are Robert Green – is that correct? NO

You worked for Boardman, most people see you as a large white man in his early 50’s, but I still think, Big Mike, you’re name is Robert Green, is that correct? NO

Most memorable prank – the best one. BEAR HUG


Are you William Boardman, sir? NO

William Boardman, sir, is that you in the Parlor? NO

Mr. Boardman, I’ve been told Mary Boardman lives here too. Is that your wife or your daughter? WIFE

Mary, your daughter, was attacked. Was she attacked where the barn now sits? WE DON’T TALK ABOUT IT.

As a result she had a boy named William Barnes. STOP

I see a little girl in the corner. What’s your name? MOLLY

Are you friendly, because I am. YES

The man that’s in the corner is trying to say hi. HELLO


What is your first and last name? JACOB BROWN

You came from Kentucky, but if not, where? NO. LOUISIANA.

Did you work for the Holmes or the Boardmans? And when? HOLMES. 1861.

You know you’re more than welcome to come upstairs. I DO. MOVIES.


You were a doctor, and a preacher. Is that correct? YES

There was a boy who possibly died in this room. Did you treat him? YES. SEVERAL.

I would feel responsible if someone died in my care. Do you ever feel guilty? ALL THE TIME.

Am I correct, is this Archibald? Archibald Graham? YES.

Stop harassing the other spirits here. I DON’T. I PROTECT THEM.

(No response to being asked about the boy in the room – e.g. name, age, etc)

What did he die from? POLIO

Did you know Edward Sturtevant? YES.


Lily, I think that’s your nickname. YES

What’s your other name? AMELIA

You’re quiet this weekend, Lily.  Why don’t you come out? MOMMY DON’T LIKE THEM. NOT MY FAULT.

Do you see your sister? YES

Is she happy? YES

What’s your sister’s name? FRANCIS


Where are you? I can’t tell. CLOSET AREA

Are we too familiar with each other now? NO

I really want to know, what was your maiden name – your last name? CAN’T TELL YOU – YOU’LL FIND OUT.

You use to be a teacher part time. MAYBE

What school did you teach at? NO, NO. NOT TELLING.

Where did you live? IN TOWN

Why don’t get you get all force and let me know when you’re around. YOU KNOW WHERE I AM.

I know your father’s name, what was your father’s name? ULYSSES

What year were you born? 1846

What’s Lily’s name? AMELIA

I’m coming up here to sleep tomorrow night. I LOVE YOU.

What happen to Mary Boardman before she married David? Who is William Barnes? ROUGH MAN

Where did this event occur to Mary? OUTSIDE NEAR CREEK.

Do you know Mark Leonard who lives up the road? I DON’T KNOW HIM.

Seance procedure

The Procedure (including creating and clearing a circle) 
During the séance, any participant in attendance can speak but only to ask questions. The medium will speak to both ask questions and answer them. Remain serious and respectful. Do not laugh. According to legend, the dead cannot laugh with joy and therefore levity offends them. Do not break the circle by moving your hands. Focus attention on the bowl of oil and blood.  Remember, the spirit may be perceived through any sense. Be aware of scents, feelings, sounds, and sights. 

 Prayers for Protection

The following prayers are recited after setting the symbolic items (candles, bible etc.) on the séance table and those at the table join hands.  

[All]  O God, who knows us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: grant us such strength and protection, as may support us in all dangers and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
The light of God surrounds me; 
The love of God enfolds me; 
The power of God protects me; 
The presence of God watches over me; 
Where ever I am, God is with me.  

Creating a Circle

  • The person sitting on the north side of the circle at the candle light says, “God, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle.”
  • The person sitting on the south side of the circle at the candle light says, “God, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle.”
  • The person sitting on the east side of the circle at the lily says, “God, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle.”
  • The person sitting on the west side of the circle at the Bible and quartz says, “God, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle.”

[Leader or Medium] “God, let only those who truly believe in you enter this circle in perfect love and perfect trust under your guidance and protection.” 

To Enter a Circle

[Leader or Medium] “How do you enter this circle?”  

[All] “In the light and love of God I enter this circle of protection.”   

Clearing a Circle

When the séance has concluded the entire group recites the following prayer is recited. 

[All] “Lighten our darkness, we beseech Thee, O Lord; and by Thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night. Amen.”   

[Leader or Medium] “God, we humbly ask that you keep watch over us and protect us all the days of our lives.”   

[All] “Amen”

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