At 10:30 am, the next morning the group entered Edinburgh Manor to start audio recording devices located throughout the building and Missy took outside weather conditions. Baseline EMF and temperature readings were then taken. After the audio devices were started the group exited Edinburgh Manor and headed out to get some lunch.
At 11:59 am the group returned and entered Edinburgh Manor to start video recording devices located throughout the building. Noah went to start the Shadow Detector in the Basement Hallway, but it was malfunctioning so the battery was replaced.
Basement Dining Room and Padded Room – 12:21 pm
Missy was located in the Padded Room alone, Chris in the Work Shop, Andy in the Basement Dining Room, Gravy in the Work Shop Hallway and Noah in the office next to the Padded Room, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) session.
At 12:27 pm, Chris asked if anyone wanted juice and said get a cup. Andy reported hearing a noise coming from the kitchen. The group was unable to replicate the noise. No noise was picked up on the audio recording device in the area or control recorders.
At 12:34 pm, Andy left the Dining Room and returned to the bunk house to retrieve the straitjacket for a role playing experiment, in hopes to provoke any entities.
At 12:40 pm, Andy returned with the straitjacket and Noah secured Missy in the straitjacket. Missy wore the straitjacket for the majority of the afternoon investigation.
No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment. The team decided to move to another part of the Basement to continue the investigation.
END TIME: 12:50 pm
Basement Boiler Room and Basement Kitchen Staff Office – 12:54 pm
Missy and Chris were located in the Boiler Room, Andy and Gravy were in the Staff Office (where the owner claimed to see an apparition) and Noah was in the hallway between the Boiler Room and Staff Office, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session. No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment. The team decided to head to the 2nd Floor to continue the investigation.
END TIME: 1:06 pm
Room 200 and 2nd Floor Hallway – 1:10 pm
Noah was located in Room 200 laying on the bed where the owner had his toes grabbed, Missy was on top of the stairs (where the owner claimed to see an apparition), Andy was in Room 227, while Chris was in Room 218 and Gravy was in Room 204, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session.
At 1:16 pm, Gravy heard what sounded like heavy breathing in the room next to him. Unfortunately, this was not captured on any recording devices.
No other responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment. The team then moved to the 1st Floor to investigate the other claim that is said to occur between noon and 2:00 pm.
END TIME: 1:30 pm
Room 105 and the 1st Floor – 1:32 pm
Andy was located in Room 106, Missy in Room 105, Chris in the Sunroom, Gravy in room with the Music Stand and Noah in the hallway, before beginning control silence. After observing control silence the group then began an EVP session.
No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.
END TIME: 1:44 pm
The group checked all audio and visual recording devices and concluded the afternoon investigation session of Edinburgh Manor. The group returned to the bunk house for some rest and food.
At 8:30 pm, the group started a roleplaying experiment with Missy in a straitjacket being introduced as a new patient to Edinburgh Manor. The roleplaying experiment was conducted in the hopes of invoke a response from any entities that may be present in the building. Parts of this experiment were broadcast live on Facebook. Missy was brought floor by floor and shown different parts of the building as a pretend tour. Andy acted as a nurse handing out medication during the tour as well and Noah acted as the manager of the facility. The team paused on each floor to conduct mini EVP sessions to see if any responses could be recorded due to the experiment but nothing was recorded.
After the conclusion of the experiment, some PIM members decided to do 30 minute isolation sessions in Edinburgh Manor. Isolation sessions are not something that PIM normally does on investigations due to safety concerns and also wanting to have a witness if something does occur during the investigation. However, PIM had great coverage of the location and it was decided that the sessions would be broadcast online so the team could view the session remotely and be able to assist if need be.
It was decided that Gravy would do the first session.
1st Floor – 9:10 pm
At 9:10 pm, Gravy started PIM’s first ever live broadcast of an investigation via Facebook Live. He also did this while isolated in the building with no other persons present in the building. Two-way radios were used to communicate with the rest of the group, whom remained in the basecamp building monitoring Gravy through the live feed.
Once Noah and Missy left the building, Gravy made his way down to the Basement Laundry Room to begin his first EVP session. Most noises heard during this time were determined to be building noises.
At 9:15 pm, Gravy moved to the other side of the Basement near the Dining Room. While broadcasting via Facebook Live, Gravy went over some of the trigger objects that were in the Basement. No activity occurred during his time in the basement.
At 9:20, Noah gave Gravy a ten minute update and Gravy made his way to the 1st Floor by the Mop Closet where the man committed suicide by hanging himself from the door knob. Gravy started an EVP session immediately in an attempt to get a response from something. At 9:22 pm, Gravy heard tapping noises coming from down the hallway and made his way to the area to see what was causing the noise. The tapping noise was different than the normal building noises heard periodically. No source of the tapping could be found and Gravy wrote it off as building noises. Gravy returned to the Men’s Recreation Room where the pool table was located to continue his EVP session on the 1st Floor.
At 9:26 pm, Gravy made his way to the room where a reported rape occurred. Again, Gravy went over some of the trigger objects for the viewers on Facebook Live. Other than the normal building noises, no activity occurred during his time on the 1st Floor and Noah radioed Gravy to inform him he was on his last ten minutes.
At 9:33 pm, Gravy made his way to the top of the stairs of the 2nd Floor where he began an EVP session. No activity occurred during his time up here and Noah radioed Gravy at 9:39 pm to inform him his isolation session was done. Gravy made his way to the exit to meet the rest of the group outside.
END TIME: 9:39 pm
Gravy talked with the rest of the team to discuss his experiences and then Andy went in for the next isolation session.
2nd Floor – 9:50 pm
At 9:50 pm, Andy began, as the second PIM member to ever go into an isolation experiment, which was broadcast via Facebook Live. A two-way radio was used to communicate during the isolation experiment. While Andy was in Edinburgh Manor alone, the rest of the group was always within radio contact and able to respond if something happened.
After Andy entered the building, he proceeded up the center staircase. This was the same staircase where the owner claimed an apparition of a woman appeared to him. Andy settled into Room 200, again where the owner made a claim of being touched on his toes, and began his first EVP session. No physical contact was felt and noises heard were determined to be building noises.
At 9:55 pm, Andy moved to the 1st Floor where he sat in the hallway of the Men’s Wing. Outside of Room 106 and the Mop Closet, both places where paranormal activity is claimed to happen. Andy began his EVP session in hopes to elicit a response. All noises heard were determined to be building noises.
At 9:58 pm, Andy moved down the hallway of the Men’s Wing, sitting outside the Men’s Leisure Room, another location where paranormal activity is claimed to happen. Andy began another EVP session. At 10:00 pm, Noah radioed Andy advising him that he was ten minutes into his investigation. At 10:02 pm, Andy requested a time stamp from Noah because of a possible anomaly caught by the corner of Andy’s eye. After Noah reviewed his video footage, nothing was reported. All noises heard were determined to be building noises.
At 10:04 pm, Andy continued his investigation of the 1st Floor and proceeded to Room 104, a room where paranormal activity is claimed to happen. Andy began an EVP session but no responses were recorded and all noises heard were determined to be building noises.
At 10:11 pm, as Andy was walking into the Basement from the 1st Floor, the two-way radio switched over to the weather station. Andy did not intentionally turn the channel knob on the radio. The knob may have been bumped or something unexplainable happened with the radio. Andy was not in an area where visual recording devices were present.
At 10:12 pm, Andy settled in the Laundry Room area of the Basement. Again this was a place where paranormal activity is claimed to happen. Andy began an EVP session in hopes to communicate with anything that was present. Nothing was recorded and although there were a lot of noises heard, all noises were determined to be building noises.
At 10:18 pm, Andy relocated in the Basement to the Dining Room. A place where paranormal activity is claimed to happen. Andy began his EVP session in hopes to provoke a response. Noah radioed to Andy at 10:19 pm to inform him his isolation session was over. No activity occurred during this session and Andy proceeded to the exit to meet the rest of the group outside.
END TIME: 10:19 pm
After Andy briefed the team on his experiences in the building, Noah was next to go in for an isolation session. However, first there were some technical issues that needed to be worked out so that the isolation sessions could be broadcast. Once the issues were resolved, Noah’s session began.
1st Floor – 10:56 pm
Noah began by grabbing some equipment from the base camp on the 1st Floor. While Noah was getting some gear he noticed a noise from further down the hallway. It sounded kind of like footsteps. However, upon investigation nothing was found.
Noah then was heading to the 2nd Floor when Gravy radioed him to notify him that the connection for the live feed had failed. It was decided to use Missy’s phone instead and Noah went back outside to switch phones and then headed back inside to restart the isolation session.
END TIME: 10:58 pm
2nd Floor – 11:01 pm
Noah preceded to the 2nd Floor to start the investigation. Noah began by recounting some of the claims on the 2nd Floor and then positioned himself in the chair in the hallway outside Room 200. Noah then began an EVP session.
At 11:05 pm, Noah thought he heard a sliding sound down the hallway from his position. Noah then continued the EVP session.
At 11:08 pm, Noah heard a noise that sounded like a pencil falling to the ground. Noah could not determine what direction the sound had come from. Gravy then radioed Noah to inform him that Gravy had moved a blue pencil from a bottom shelf to a middle shelf on the 2nd Floor. Noah then went to look to see if the pencil Gravy had positioned had fallen on the floor which would explain the noise he heard.
At 11:15 pm, Noah located the pencil that Gravy had positioned. The pencil was still on the shelf Gravy had left it on. Noah concluded that maybe the noise he heard was from paint chips falling from the ceiling. Noah then returned to the chair and continued the EVP session.
At 11:19 pm, Noah heard what he described as a “shuffle squeak” noise. The source of the noise could not be determined. Noah then continued the EVP session.
No other events occurred during the sessions and Noah decided to head down to the 1st Floor.
END TIME: 11:21 pm
1st Floor – 11:23 pm
Noah began the investigation in the Men’s Wing sitting in the hallway. Noah again started by talking about the claims in this area of the building. Noah then started an EVP session.
At 11:27 pm, Noah heard a metallic sound in Room 106. Noah investigated but could not find source for the noise. Noah then continued the EVP session trying to communicate with the spirit of “Susie”.
At 11:29 pm, Noah heard a knock coming from inside Room 106. More noises were heard coming from the room so Noah moved into the room to continue the EVP session and to try and determine the source of the noises.
Nothing else occurred during this session and Noah moved to the Basement.
END TIME: 11:32 pm
Laundry Room – 11:35 pm
Noah again started by giving some brief background of the claims in this area of the building. Noah then sat down in the Laundry Room and started an EVP session.
No events occurred during this session and Noah ended his isolation session and headed back outside.
END TIME: 11:38 pm
Noah talked to the team to update them about his experiences that occurred during the isolation session that weren’t recorded and then Missy went in to start her isolation session.
1st Floor – 11:40 pm
At 11:40 pm Missy, Gravy, Noah, Andy, and Chris walked into Edinburgh Manor so Missy could begin her isolation session. Upon walking through the back door of the manor everyone heard the sound of the motion sensor that was set up in the Basement Hallway. Everyone went down to the Basement to investigate why the motion sensor was going off. Initially they assumed they would find that the battery was running low but upon inspection the battery was fine. Noah stopped the sensor from making the noise and all seemed to be working fine so they went back up to the 1st Floor to leave Missy to take her turn in an isolation session.
After everyone but Missy left Missy began the Facebook Live Stream. While Gravy, Andy and Noah were doing their isolation sessions the battery in her control recorder died, so the first thing she needed to do was change her battery and get a new timestamp. At 11:58 pm Missy radioed over to Noah, who was in the house on the property, and asked for a timestamp for her control recorder.
Once she was all set with her control recorder running she decided to start her first isolated EVP session on the 1st Floor in Susie’s Room.
1st Floor/Susie’s Room – 12:02 am
Missy chose a chair to sit in that was located in the middle of the bedroom known as Susie’s Room. It is named this mainly because of the claims that have been made of a girl spirit named Susie residing in this location. No documentation has ever been found of this girl existing but Missy thought she would try communicating with her in hopes of documenting activity that would solidify or correspond with this claim.
At 12:02 am Missy began her first EVP session. Missy began by explaining the claims she had heard about the room. She then introduced herself and tried to communicate with Susie or anyone else that could be in the room with her that would be willing to interact.
At 12:07 am Missy began to talk about all the various toys that are scattered around the room and how she had heard claims of how at times these toys are moved or manipulated without anyone having been in the room. She claimed to hear what sounded like scrapping or shuffling somewhere in the room or possibly just outside of the hallway. Missy then commented that perhaps someone would want to play and perhaps that is why they made the noise. She asked that if someone was there that wanted to play they should bring her a toy. No further noises were heard.
At 12:10 am Missy’s flashlight began to malfunction. Prior to the investigation Missy changed the batteries in her flashlight because the light was very dim. This time the light was not dim constantly like it was prior to her changing the batteries. This time the light would dim, almost go out, and then get very bright again. It happened repeatedly so Missy asked if it was Susie wanting to play with the light. She asked that if it was indeed Susie that she turn the light all the way off. Coincidentally the light did go off just moments after she asked. The light dimmed and brightened several times more but once Missy turned it off and back on again herself it stopped malfunctioning. This is not considered paranormal simply because flashlights can easily malfunction due to the fact that a circuit needs to be completed for a flashlight to work. If a flashlight battery compartment is not twisted on properly or the battery holder was not lined up correctly it can easily malfunction. It is possible that while Missy changed her batteries something became misaligned or possibly she just needs to replace her flashlight.
At 12:12 am Noah radioed Missy that she should move on to her next location.
END TIME: 12:12 am
2nd Floor Hallway – 12:14 am
Missy decided to situate herself in a central location so she can easily see down both ends of the hallway and down the Main Staircase. Missy faced a chair right in front of the Main Staircase where the current owner saw the apparition of an older woman. Some have claimed that her name could possibly be “Rose” or “Violet” or a combination of the two.
At 12:15 am Missy began her second EVP session. She began by introducing herself, specifically trying to communicate with “Rose”. After many questions, in an attempt to communicate, Missy commented on how quiet it seemed to be on the 2nd Floor. Throughout the two-night investigation the constant sound of paint chips falling became a sound to expect and hear often. During this EVP session Missy noticed that the sound of paint chips falling was absent. At 12:16 am Missy verbalized this observation. She then asked if anyone who lived at the Manor was with her on the 2nd Floor. Seconds later she heard what seemed to be a loud noise, possibly a door closing, in the hallway to her right. It coincided with the sound of the motion sensor in the Basement going off.
At this time Missy decided to exit the Manor.
END TIME: 12:16 am
Being all alone didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore to her so she went back to the house where Noah, Gravy, Andy and Chris were staying during her isolation session. After a few minutes, rational thinking came back to her and she and Noah started a new Facebook Live feed in the house explaining her abrupt departure from the Manor.
After taking a break, the team talked with Missy about her experience and then headed back into the building to try and investigate the noise Missy had heard.
1st Floor – 1:08 am
The group was spread out along the hallways on the 1st Floor, where Missy heard a loud noise during her isolation session, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session.
At 1:11am, a loud noise was heard in the area of Room 121.
No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment. The team decided to head down to the Basement to continue the investigation.
END TIME: 1:19 am
Basement Dining Room and Padded Room – 1:22 am
The group was spread out in the Dining Room and hallway to the Padded Room, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session.
No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment. The team then headed to the other end of the Basement.
END TIME: 1:31 am
Basement Kitchen and Laundry Room – 1:32 am
The group was spread out in the Basement Laundry Room, hallway to the Dining Room and Kitchen Office in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session.
No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.
END TIME: 1:44 am
The group concluded the investigation for the night. All audio and visual equipment was broken down, window coverings removed and all PIM items were secured. All items were removed from the building and stored in the van awaiting departure later in the morning.
This was PIM’s first time investigating Edinburgh Manor. The building is well maintained and easy to navigate and a pleasure to investigate. Unfortunately, we were not able to document any paranormal activity during our investigation. We were able to determine some possible natural causes for some of the claims. One of the claims at Edinburgh Manor is that some unexplained noises can be heard in rooms or floors where no one should be. PIM found that there were numerous paint chips that were falling off the walls and ceilings. Also, due to temperature changes over the course of the day, the metal frames around the windows would expand and contract causing loud popping sounds. Both of these conditions result in some loud and sudden noises that could easily be mistakenly attributed to something paranormal. However, due to the close proximity to the Milwaukee area, the lack of environmental interference and abundance of claims, PIM is very interested in returning to Edinburgh Manor for future investigations. PIM has already booked a weekend for June of 2017 to continue our study of this location.