
The group arrived early in the afternoon for a meet with the property caretaker Cindy. Cindy showed the group to one of the bunk houses on the property, where we unloaded our personal belongings. The group then proceeded to the main entrance of Edinburgh Manor, where we were again greeted by Cindy for a tour. During the tour, Gravy and Andy were equipped with a Zoom H1 digital audio recorder, to record the information provided by Cindy on the tour. Missy recorded the EMF levels and room temperatures, with her single-axis EMF detector Mel-8704R (see table below), while on the tour. Also on the tour of Edinburgh Manor, were two individuals from the area, who were interested in the history of the building. At the conclusion of the tour, Cindy and the two other individuals left the building, leaving the group as the only humans to have access to Edinburgh Manor for the next 48 hours.

Every member of PIM is equipped with a Zoom H1 digital audio recorder, which is used as their control recorder, Extech RHT50 datalogger, and UV flashlight. Control recorders are not only used as another recording device but also to document the sound contamination that an investigator might create during an investigation. Control recorders are started and time stamped first before any other equipment is started and they are turned off last to ensure any anomalous noises can be cross checked. Control recorders are also placed in a Faraday cage, if possible. A Faraday cage operates because an external static electrical field causes the electric charges within the cage’s conducting material to be distributed such that they cancel the field’s effect in the cage’s interior. PIM’s main goal in using these is to block radio signals from interfering with their audio recorders thus causing false EVPs. The Extech RHT50 datalogger takes a temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure reading once a minute and is used to try and correlate environmental data with any personal experiences an investigator might encounter during an investigation.

Everyone then began to set up equipment on tri-pods to make set up easier and faster.

Around 4:00 pm, Missy went outside and collected, outside weather conditions, with a Kestrel 3500 Weather Station. The Kestrel Weather Station is a tool that measures temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure and humidity.

View Environmental Data

Several high definition camcorders and sound recorders were placed in select areas of Edinburgh Manor.

Andy set up a Ghost Stop Full Spectrum Action Cam H9 in Room 105, focused in the direction of the bed where the alleged incident occurred, with an infrared light bank used to illuminate the area in darkness. Also in Room 105, Missy’s Zoom H1 digital audio recorder and Extech RHT50 datalogger. Also placed in Room 105, on the bed where the alleged brutal rape took place, were the following trigger objects; a small bottle of Kessler’s Whiskey, a pair of handcuffs, a Playboy Magazine opened to the centerfold and John’s Touch Flashlight (which can only be turned on if the side is touched completing the circuit). PIM uses trigger objects to try and provoke interest and activity from entities.

Noah set up a Sony HDR-CX160 full spectrum, outside Room 106, focused on the hallway towards Room 121, with an infrared light bank used to illuminate the area in darkness. The area where the spirit of the man, who hung himself in the Mop Closet, is claimed to roam. Tony’s Zoom H1 digital audio recorder was placed in close proximity to Noah’s camera.

Missy set up a Sony HDR-XR200V w/0.45x wide angle lens camera, focused on the 2nd Floor landing, across from Room 200, where the claimed apparition appeared, with an infrared light bank used to illuminate the area in darkness. John’s Zoom H1 digital audio recorder was also placed on the 2nd Floor in the hallway, near Missy’s camera.

Gravy set up a Sony HDR-CX160 full spectrum, in the Basement Kitchen Office, focused on the corner where the claimed apparition appeared to the building owner. An infrared light bank was used to illuminate the area in darkness. No audio recording devices were used in this area.

Noah set up a Sony HDR-CX160 full spectrum camera, in the Basement Laundry Room, focused on the area adjacent to the Kitchen Staff Office and Hallway to Dining Room. An infrared light bank was used to illuminate the area in darkness. Also in the Laundry Room Gravy set up his HDR-SR7 Camera, focused on a trigger object table, which included the following objects; magnetic levitation device, rosary, touch flashlight, cigarettes, dice, relic card, fire truck (fire truck was one claimed to move throughout the building by Cindy during the walk through), Bible, cards, broken bowl, glass bowl, crosses, a cigar and Noah’s geophone. The geophone was custom built by PIM and has adjustable sensitivity. The geophone senses seismic vibrations. If any of the trigger objects would be moved the geophone would sense the vibrations. PIM uses trigger objects to try and provoke interest and activity from entities. Gravy’s DM X-930 Dark Matter Detector was placed on the trigger object table. The Dark Matter Detector is a piece of equipment which measures EMF, temperature, barometric pressure and has a high quality audio recorder.

Noah set up a Mel-8704REM/ATDD/SDD EMF detector in the Hallway between the Laundry Room and Dining Room, where “Joker,” is claimed to roam. It detects EMF & Temperature simultaneously, a hot and cold spot detector that will set off a blue light or red light for an increase or decrease of one degree or more along with an audible alarm, and a shadow detection system that has a long range and short range red LED light that if broken will cause an LED light and audible alarm to go off.

Gravy set up a Zoom H1 digital audio recorder in the Basement Padded Room, where Zak Bagans claimed to be “possessed/ felt an evil presence.” No video camera was set up in the Padded Room.

Noah set up a Sony HDR-CX160 full spectrum camera, in the Basement Dining Room, focused on the Hallway where the shadow detector was set up, in hopes to catch any alarms given by the shadow detector. Also in focus was a trigger object bank that included; an Extech RHT50 datalogger, antique keys, skull, handcuffs, rocking horse, third relic card, bible, pentagram, rosary, bullets, EMF pump, cigar, and deck of cards. PIM uses trigger objects to try and provoke interest and activity from entities. An EMF pump emits electromagnetic fields into the atmosphere which is believed to be a great energy source for spirits to manifest. A touch flash light was placed on the table as well (which can only be turned on if the side is touched completing the circuit).

All equipment stayed in the same location for the duration of the investigation on both days. Once the equipment was set, the only human manipulation was to power on and off, switch out memory cards and power supplies.

Once all the equipment was set, the team started and time stamped all the equipment in the entire building. Time stamps, from a designated atomic watch, are used as a point of reference and make cross referencing easier during evidence review. All lights were turn off at this point to set illumination with special infrared lights so the camcorders are able to record while it is dark. Once this was done the group, at 7:15 pm, left Edinburgh Manor to find some food for dinner.


Room 105 – 9:33 pm

Missy was located in Room 105 alone and the other group members were spread out through the hallway and other rooms, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Control silence is a method practiced at each new location in a building. It allows for members to get a baseline of noises the building could make throughout the night. It also allows for the group to tag outside noises heard in that area so as not to be mistaken as something paranormal later in the night. This also allows for the building to reset itself after members or PIM have been walking around. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon or EVP session.

At 9:35 pm, Noah reported hearing a loud thump upon the floor.

No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.

After evidence review of the control recorders, no PIM investigator reported any “thumping” sounds picked up.

END TIME: 9:53 pm

Room 106 and Hallway to Room 108 – 9:57 pm

Missy was located in Room 106 alone and the other group members were spread out through the hallway and other rooms, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon or EVP session.

As everyone got settled in, Noah felt his face get warm. Not sure what the cause of this was.

No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.

END TIME: 10:14 pm

Room 200 and Second Floor Hallway – 10:18 pm

Gravy was located in Room 200 alone and the other group members were spread out through the hallway and other rooms, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon or EVP session.

No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.

END TIME: 10:34 pm

PIM group members left Edinburgh Manor for a break and returned to the bunk house located on the property.

Basement Dining Room – 12:29 am

Andy was located in front of the Padded Room alone and the other group members were spread out through the hallway and other rooms, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon or EVP session.

No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.

END TIME: 12:49 am

Basement Kitchen and Laundry Room – 12:50 am

Andy was located in the hallway from the Dining Room to the Laundry Room, Gravy was in the Kitchen and the other group members were spread out through the Laundry Room, in visual contact with each other, before beginning control silence. Controlled silence was observed before starting an EVP session. The group then began an electronic voice phenomenon or EVP session.

No responses were heard or reported after a review of audio and visual recording equipment.

END TIME: 1:07 am

PIM members went around the build and shut off all recording equipment, as we concluded day one of our two-day investigation. After all recording equipment was powered down, the group left Edinburgh Manor and returned to the bunk house for some well-deserved sleep.

This investigation took place over two days on location. To see the rest of the investigation, evidence and our conclusion click here

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